Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency. Neither the European Union nor National Agency can be held responsible for them.

Guide to Blockchain Education

will recommend effective pedagogic strategies for teaching digital skills in blockchain integration in agrifood education. Its results include a research report and a guide to aid understanding of the relationship between blockchain and key agrifood challenges / opportunities

Open Education Resources for Blockchain Education in the Agrifood sector

will provide lecturers with pre-made resources for in-person or digital classes. This will help facilitate the transition to digital education in a field of study that is becoming increasingly digital. The project will produce three key results: the Blockchain Education in the Agrifood Sector Open Education Resources, the Classroom Teaching Pack, and the Online Course for Direct Study.

Dissemination and Sustainability

will promote the adoption of Blockchain for Agri-food Educators among partners, peers, networks, and the wider education and agri-food sector. Its goal is to ensure the long-term sustainability and impact of the project.

© 2025 Blockchain for Agri Food Edu. All rights reserved.