Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency. Neither the European Union nor National Agency can be held responsible for them.

  • Blockchain’s potential to reduce food waste is also important from an environmental perspective
  • Approximately  ⅓ of food produced globally goes to waste each year due to inefficiencies in the supply chain - this represents a massive waste of resources (e.g. water, energy in greenhouses, fuel for transport) as well as food
  • By reducing the number of intermediaries and increasing traceability (e.g. track conditions with IoT/RFID with data stored on Blockchain), the introduction of Blockchain in agri-food supply chains can reduce food waste and the associated environmental impact by enabling producers and retailers to more quickly  identify and respond to incidences of contamination
  • Smart food loss management systems and sale of surplus food (e.g. charities, hospitality, compost, biogas etc)
  • Pressure from consumers and investors have prompted many agrifood companies to make ambitious public commitments and pledges(e.g. zero deforestation, 100% renewable energy, 100% recycled materials)
  • However, complex and opaque global supply chains can make it difficult even for companies with good intentions to implement their commitments and demonstrate measurable results 
  • Inability to meet environmental commitments damages a company’s credibility and reputation 
  • Third-party certifications as a solution? 1) Confusing proliferation, 2) Greenwashing, 3) Audit fraud, 4) Expensive 
  • Blockchain as a way to demonstrate fulfilled commitments/an alternative to third-party certification: transparency, verifiable supply chains, and trust 

*Note: role of governments and regulatory bodies key to holding companies accountable - consumer demand may be an insufficient motivator on its own


Video: Atea + IBM Food Trust

  • The fishing industry is often associated with unsustainable practices such as overfishing which pose a serious threat to marine conservation
  • Use of Blockchain technology to support more sustainable fishing practices
  • Example: Atea and IBM Food Trust

Other examples of Blockchain uses for sustainable fishing:

  • World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
    • 2018 pilot programme, blockchain in the Pacific Islands’ tuna industry
    • Aim to stamp out illegal, unregulated and unreported tuna fishing, as well as unfair labour practices
    • Result: launch of online platform, OpenSC, which uses blockchain to verify sustainable production, track food along the supply chain and help people to avoid illegal, environmentally-damaging or unethical products

Other examples of Blockchain uses in sustainable fishing:

  • FishCoin
  • Open-source, decentralised Blockchain platform designed to incentivize data sharing
  • Fishcoin app: enables fishers to sell information about their catch to potential buyers. When a buyer decides to purchase the data, the fisher is immediately rewarded with cryptocurrency tokens (FishCoins), which can be redeemed for e-vouchers, mobile plan minutes, credit towards utility bills, or direct remuneration where applicable on a country by country basis


  • Blockchain can offer radical environmental transparency - but not all agrifood actors may want this
  • Producers also have incentives not to disclose information - current lack of regulation, high expenditure, competition, reputational damage
  • Selective information sharing - disclose only positive aspects while ignoring the negatives
  • To encourage greater transparency (using Blockchain or otherwise), governmental and societal pressure is crucial
  • Question surrounding the sustainability of Blockchain technology itself?
  • Most well-known Blockchain consensus mechanism: Proof of Work (PoW)
  • PoW often requires high levels of computational power and, consequently, high levels of energy consumption
    • 2022, Bitcoin’s estimated carbon footprint was comparable to country-level emissions of Greece


Possible solution: alternatives to PoW? Many alternatives have been developed, here are two of the most commonly used:

  • Possible solution: alternatives to PoW? Many alternatives have been developed, here are two of the most commonly used:
  • Proof of Stake (PoS) - rather than solving computational problems to verify transactions, validators are selected to verify transactions = lower energy consumption than PoW
  • Validators chosen based on the amount of stake they have in the network
  • Disadvantage: potential problem of monopolisation
  • Proof of Authority (PoA) - like PoS, transactions are verified by validators who are chosen based on their trustworthiness = lower energy consumption than either PoW or PoS
  • Disadvantage: centralised consensus mechanism


Topic: The Sustainability of Blockchain Technology

  1. Understanding the Complexity:
    • Reflect on the statement: "The sustainability of Blockchain technology is a complex issue, and no version of Blockchain so far is without its drawbacks, though the technology is continuously evolving."
  2. Form Your Opinion:
    • Spend 30 minutes thinking about whether you consider Blockchain a sustainable technology.
    • Decide whether your stance is YES (sustainable), NO (not sustainable), or DON’T KNOW (unsure).
  3. Document Your Initial Stance:
    • Write down your initial stance and the reasons for your opinion.
  4. Consider Different Perspectives:
    • Read articles, watch videos, or research online to understand various perspectives on the sustainability of Blockchain technology.
    • Take notes on arguments that support and oppose the idea of Blockchain being sustainable.
  5. Self-Debate:
    • Imagine you are participating in a debate. Write down arguments for both sides (YES and NO) as well as considerations for being unsure (DON’T KNOW).
  6. Reflect on Persuasive Arguments:
    • Reflect on which arguments you find most convincing.
    • Consider whether any of the new information changes your initial stance.
  7. Document Any Changes in Your Opinion:
    • If you change your stance, write down the argument that most convinced you to change your mind.
    • Summarise your final stance and explain why you hold this opinion after your research and reflection.
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