Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency. Neither the European Union nor National Agency can be held responsible for them.

  • Shifting consumer preferences - quality, safety, sustainability, responsibility
  • Over 70% willing to pay higher price for transparency
  • Blockchain as an opportunity to increase consumer confidence and attract new customers
  • Transparency as a unique selling point: a new competitive advantage

Mechanism: QR codes on products


  • Certain products where price and provenance are closely linked e.g. PDO products, wine, organic foods
  • Consumers are willing to pay a premium but need assurance the product is genuine
  • Incidences of food fraud
  • Blockchain solution: track product on Blockchain from source and make this information available to the consumer


  • 2022 press release: ‘Carrefour is the first retailer to use blockchain technology with its own-brand organic products, providing consumers with more transparency’
  • Pilot product: organic dessert oranges
  • ‘A QR code for retracing the itinerary of each batch’:
  • Its origin and the pathway it has taken: producer name, field location, packaging location, transport means
  • Its quality: harvest date, analysis results, variety and seasonality
  • Its organic certification: conversion date, official certificate, additional initiatives implemented by the producer.



  • Iberian ham shoulders (DO)
  • Coloured-coded labels and Blockchain
  • Information about the animal’s diet weight, curing process etc.
  • “True, complete, and immutable” information
  • Another way Blockchain solutions could be useful in terms of consumer relations is in the event of a product recall
  • Product recalls represent a loss for the company in terms of unsold products, but an even greater loss can be damage to the company’s reputation and losing consumers’ trust
  • Integrated Blockchain and IoT/RFID technologies can help reduce the likelihood of product recall by closely monitoring product quality throughout the supply chain - but even in instances where contamination is not successfully avoided, Blockchain- enabled traceability can help companies mitigate the reputational damage of a product recall
  • Knowing exactly which products were contaminated, how, when and where can help companies to conduct a swift and targeted product recall that can help to avoid a potential scandal


‘Horsemeat scandal: where did the 29% horse in your Tesco burger come from?’, The Guardian, 2013

  • Read the 2013 Guardian article on the Tesco horse meat scandal
  • Decide the use of modern Blockchain technology could have helped to prevent and/or mitigate the scandal


  • Consumers are concerned about environmental sustainability - carbon footprint, deforestation, depletion of natural resources
  • Proliferation of certificates - a source of clarity or confusion?
  • Consumer wariness of ‘greenwashing’
  • Potential solution: include information on the blockchain about water usage, pesticide, travel miles, energy sources etc.
  • Informed consumer decision-making
  • Consumers are also concerned about the social side of sustainability - modern slavery, poor working conditions, exploitative business models, gender inequality
  • Demand for fairtrade products
  • Potential solution: include information on the individual farmers/producers on the Blockchain, including wages, percentage of profit, working conditions
  • Providing this information on the Blockchain is not only beneficial to the consumer, the transparency can allow local farmers to better negotiate a fair deal for themselves


  • Challenges in the coffee industry:
  • ‘Big Coffee’, uneven distribution of profits - only 10% of coffee value remains in country of origin
  • Poverty - 90% of coffee farmers earn less than €2 a day
  • Environmental impact - habitat destruction and deforestation
  • Moyee’s approach: “Radically good coffee with a radical impact”
  • ‘FairChain’ business model: share more of the value from coffee with coffee growing countries
  • Key: roasting, packaging and branding coffee in country of origin
  • Focus on social and environmental sustainability - helping coffee farmers earn a liveable wage and contribute to reforestation in coffee producing countries
  • Blockchain technology is central to Moyee’s business model and brand identity

Uses of Blockchain within Moyee Coffee:

  • End to end digitalised coffee value chain - 100% transparency
  • Moyee’s farmers are given mobile wallets, tap cards, unique ID numbers and barcodes - paid digitally
  • Geo-tagging farms and washing station to prove location
  • QR codes on the side coffee bags - consumers can scan with mobile phones and access information about the farmers and other supply chain actors, including who gets paid what
  • Additionally, consumers receive a digital token worth 50c upon purchasing Moyee Coffee
  • Consumers can either:
    • Keep the token and get money back off their next purchase
    • Use the token to tip the farmer
    • Help fund social projects in coffee-growing communities
  • Digital payments are traceable - Blockchain helps to make farmers bankable, access Blockchain-powered microloans 
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