Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency. Neither the European Union nor National Agency can be held responsible for them.

  • Blockchain technology has many potential applications within the agrifood sector
  • Most notably, advantages of blockchain include transparency, traceability and trust
  • Blockchain offers potential advantages to many actors in the supply chain, from farmers to producers to consumers, but these advantages may not be evenly distributed
  • However, Blockchain is also surrounded by ‘hype’ and has distinct limitations and disadvantages too. Any decision to implement Blockchain in a given supply chain should be based on research and careful consideration.
  • Blockchain as a relatively new technology only recently introduced in the agrifood sector - difficult to assess the full extent of its strengths and limitations, but initial results suggest great potential
  • Realising this potential will require increased overall levels of digitalisation and technical upskilling within the agrifood sector
  • Blockchain technology as a tool rather than a goal - achieving social and environmental sustainability requires a shift in attitude and outlook as well as the adoption of new technologies
  • A quickly developing technology - keep up to date with ongoing developments


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