Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency. Neither the European Union nor National Agency can be held responsible for them.


  • Trust: Trust is a complex concept which can be defined as a firm belief or confidence in the reliability
  • “Computers-as-a-social actor”: (CSA) paradigm is based on the observation that people view computers as teammates and assign them personality traits like helpfulness or dominance (Reeves & Nass, 1996).
  • Information systems (IS): Information systems (IS) research describe the trustworthiness of IT artifacts (Benbasat and Wang, 2005)
  • A rigid tamper-proof chain : Both the content of the blocks within the blockchain and their order are tamper-proof. This relies on the decentralised architecture and the consensus principle.
  • Effective risk management: Effective risk management strategies, including the identification and mitigation of potential risks associated with blockchain implementation, contribute to the overall trustworthiness of the technology


  • Trust is a complex concept which can be defined as a firm belief or confidence in the reliability, integrity, and ability of a person, institution, system, or process (O’Hara, 2012, p. 19).
  • It is particularly important in business transactions as it serves like the foundation that makes people feel confident that the other party will do what they say and creates more successful exchanges.
  • Trust in the business-consumer relationship is foundational, fostering security that the business will act with integrity, provide reliable products or services, and prioritize the customer's interests (Pennington et al., 2003).


  • In information systems (IS) research, the notion of a “human-to-technology trust relationship” was developed (Lankton, McKnight, & Tripp, 2015, p. 882). 
  • Human treating computers as a social actor (Fussell et al., 2008)
  • This kind of trust is also called human-like trust in technology (Lankton et al., 2015). 
  • Information systems (IS) research describe the trustworthiness of IT artifacts (Benbasat and Wang, 2005)
  • The “computers-as-a-social actor” (CSA) paradigm is based on the observation that people view computers as teammates and assign them personality traits like helpfulness or dominance (Reeves & Nass, 1996).
  • Users perceive IT artifacts as “social actors” in terms of virtual providers possessing human character traits (Benbasat and Wang, 2005).

CSA Paradigm

As a result, it could be even harder to build trust with blockchain because users need to trust the technology as well as their business partners and given the fact that it is a new unfamiliar technology, there’s a chance of it being more complicated.

A blockchain consists of several features that can induce trust — however not complete trust.

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