Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency. Neither the European Union nor National Agency can be held responsible for them.

Click the video to watch how blockchain can be implemented into the agricultural supply chain


  • Problems in existing supply chains:
    • Large number of globally distributed stakeholders
    • Lack of shared information
    • Low levels of trust - need for third-party intermediaries, resulting in additional costs and delays
    • Low levels of digitalisation - most compliance data and information stored on paper or in a centralised database
    • Human error
    • Data manipulation
    • Inefficient, costly
  • Blockchain as a potential solution to many of these problems within the agrifood supply chain
  • Key: Blockchain as a distributed, decentralised ledger
    • Everyone on the Blockchain (nodes) receives an identical, synchronised copy of the information on the Blockchain
    • Data entered into the Blockchain must be verified and validated by all participants (consensus)
    • Data entered into the Blockchain is immutable

Let’s take a look at the kind of stakeholders and information that should be included in a Blockchain-supported agri-food supply chain

*See Module 2 for more information on nodes, consensus, and the other building blocks of blockchain

  • Advantages of a Blockchain-supported agrifood supply chain:
    • Quicker, more accurate flow of information between supply chain stakeholders
    • Disintermediation - a distributed, decentralised ledger where information is verified by all stakeholders removes the need for third-party intermediaries to perform this task, thus cutting out the ‘middleman’
    • Less room for human error, data manipulation or miscommunication
    • Increased transparency
    • Increased efficiency
    • Reduced costs
  • Increased transparency and traceability thanks to Blockchain can help to reduce the chances of human error and related food waste, but it cannot eliminate all risk of contamination
  • However, even in instances where Blockchain cannot prevent contamination in the supply chain, it can still help minimize the negative impact
  • Detailed information about a product’s provenance and journey through the supply-chain can help retailers to identify exactly which products were contaminated, when, and where, in order to conduct a swift and targeted product recall
  • By increasing supply-chain traceability, Blockchain can help improve food safety and reduce food waste
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